Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Boot camp time

I have decided that if I want to be a great rider, I need to be in perfect shape. There fore, no more snacks, and I am walking/jogging 2-3 miles a day, starting yesterday. Cutting back on candy, and drinking 8 glasses of water and 1-2 cups of milk a day. I should loose 2 pounds a week. I'm not saying that I'm fat, it's just that I want to be a little thinner, so I can post better, jump better, look better in my saddle, etc. So there you have it. My health update for the day! I am getting caught up in school, so that is a good thing. I can't wait for summer time! Summer is my all time favorite season. (And its awesome that it is the longest season!) I am now starting up piano lessons again, so that will be keeping me quite busy.

Peace out!


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