Thursday, June 13, 2013


Hi guys! It's a Thursday, and that means piano lesson. One of my best lessons ever! :) Since I didn't ride today, I exercised two of our dogs (Daisy, and one of our stud's) while riding my bike. (I have this system where I ride my bike and hold the leash while they run beside the bike. It's pretty handy for when I don't have time to really exercise myself, but the dog needs a workout.) I like to keep my running companion in the best shape possible, so the bike workout is the best possible workout for her. Not to mention I can get some exercise as well. Riding really helps with my fitness, but I usually run and lift weights when I get home from riding, then ride my bike later on in the day. I stretch every single day, just to stay supple and flexible. Then I like to supplement the weight lifting with 50-100 crunches/sit-ups 3 times a week. So far it's improved my riding a little, but within a month I should start seeing good results. AND in addition to that I am eating way healthier now. :D Everything I eat is organic, and I am eating a banana and apple for snacks. I take 4 calcium vitamins a day to help with bone growth (Osteoporosis runs in the family. So I really want to avoid that...) 

Since I'm sure that you are all tired of hearing about my fitness, (hehe) so I will talk about pony club for a little while. My first meeting with Red is this Saturday, and I'm really excited about it! I can hardly stand the wait. Ugh, hurry up Thursday. :( Tomorrow I'm going riding, so I'll give Red a bath. I want to start trotting more, to get Red in better shape. It's a show jumping lesson, so this will be exciting. :D Not sure if he'll load willingly, but we're working on it. I hope that by the next pc meeting he will load without hesitation, so we'll see. 

The puppies are all doing great, but they are quite loud. It gets kind of annoying at times, but I don't really mind anymore after doing this for 6 years... Here's some cuteness to get you through the rest of the week! Stay strong my friends. Saturday shall be here soon. But if you've already finished school, then I guess it doesn't matter. xD 


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