Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Long time update
It's about time I posted. I've been meaning too, but I am super busy. Anyways, I'll cut to the chase.
Riding is going great, I went to a show (didn't place individually), quit pony club, and got a bunny (and an iphone). Nothing much else, except that I am back into running.
I rode for an hour and a half today, so that was really nice. Ever since school started, I've only gotten to ride for 30-45 minutes. Still plenty long enough, yes, but I like long rides. Don't we all?
About the show... We placed first and second in the team area, but nothing in individual. So, yeah. It's a long story that I do not wish to tell. Maybe some day in a few years I will tell you, but my fingers are tired and we have a lot more to cover before this blog post is over. Kapeesh?
I quit pony club because I was super busy, and it wasn't right for me. That's that.
I got a new bunny! Her name is Paris, and she is now about 3 months old. She's super friendly, and loves attention. I put her outside all the time now, and carry her around the house. We're still working on litter box training, though, so she isn't allowed to run around in my room just yet. We're working hard on it though! :)
I got an iphone as an early birthday present from my parents! So now I can blog on the go, and take pictures. Isn't that exciting?!
And on too the running. I ran yesterday, and I think I ran the day before, but I'm not sure. If I did, I don't think I logged it. I'm to tired to go and look. :P Anyways, I just put in 15 minutes. I'm increasing it a minute every day. Vibram shoes, with the dog, outside, the usual routine. I have to say, it felt very good. :)
Monday, June 24, 2013
On my side of the world
So the reason for not posting lately is because I have been super busy lately. I'm still riding 3 times a week, and that alone keeps me busy enough! But I just got my new laptop (chromebook) so I can now post more often. Speaking of chromebooks, they are fantastic! I love it. Much, much better than a macbook in my opinion. So much lighter, longer battery life, and extremely durable. I don't dislike the Samsung for any reason, and I recommend getting 3g.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Let the summer begin!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
First pony club meeting
Duration: 60 minutes
Location: Outdoor arena, whole new stable
Weather: 85 degrees, breezy, sunny
Horses rode: Mr.Red
Hey guys! Had a big day today. Drum roll please! *Dum dum dum dum* Me and Red's first pony club meeting! (Well, my second, Reds first.) We did a jumping lesson, and he did fabulous. Didn't knock a rail down, and even qualified for the next round - a jump off. I was a little hesitant about having to memorize two courses at once, the first course then the jump off. (me being me, I wrote the numbers of the jumps on my arms for the jump off) It was slightly confusing because the jumps weren't numbered at all, so we had to mentally number them. But everyone was very nice! I learned a lot, and cannot wait for my next one. Next stop: Cross country. :)
Friday, June 14, 2013
Bath time
Imagine Dragons

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Casually casual
Monday, June 10, 2013
Rehab time
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Piano shopping... Again.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Russian accents

"Oh boy..." I'm sure your all thinking that. Because we all know what the picture above states, and what is yet to come. Yup, you guessed it. Puppy. Time. I can't believe their already here! It seems like just last week I was cleaning up after the last litter! *sigh* Oh well. Time marches on, I guess. Hopefully I can get some cash from this litter's work, and put that in my savings! :) Anyways, these are F1B Labradoodles. 6 boys and 4 girls to be exact. They are so cute and cuddly it's almost unbearable! :3
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
I have been seeing a lot of Camelot horses, ponies, donkeys, mules, etc. I mean, I can't go on tumblr or facebook without my dash being flooded with Camelot pics... It is so upsetting to know that these horses are at the end of the line. But I want to take a moment and thank all of the rescues and fantastic people who spend time and money on finding these horses homes. I hope that I can do my part someday and either purchase a horse from there, or at least haul some horses to their new homes. As equestrians, we have to have each others back in this way of life. And I'm looking to do my part by at least liking and sharing pics of these poor horses. Please do your part to! -Meghan
Simple joy
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Future dream life
That poster on the wall is the cover of my all time favorite book! :O
The glass floor! That's a river underneath!
Cars. :3
2013 VW Tiguan
OR, I would want a VW jetta wagon. :)
Toyota tundra please!
A trailer with living quarters would be very pleasant. :)
And that about covers it. :) I will probably add different things from time to time. (You all know how I am.)
Puppy time!
How did you find my blog?
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Saturday, May 11, 2013
My first show
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
That's it
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Work day
Sunday, April 21, 2013
PIano & Car shopping
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
March in Indiana
I've gotta do school. :)
Peace out!
Monday, March 4, 2013
I went riding today, and I have been accomplishing a lot lately! Here are a few things that I can add to my list:
- Handled my first buck
- Trotted a pair of doubles
- Rode the monster bareback
Lately, I have been trying to eat healthier, and exercise more. Besides riding 5 days a week, every day I do 30 sit ups a day, walk/jog a mile or two (One on treadmill, and one and a half outside where it is SUPER hilly) and add on some serious house cleaning and a strict healthy diet, then I think I am good to go! I am a little tired from all of this work, but I have been sleeping deeper at night, and going to bed earlier so that I can get up a littler earlier in the morning to get things done before the rest of the family wakes up.
Sunday morning, I got certified as America's worst cook. Not that I mind, but I would like to be able to cook pancakes from scratch. My mom thinks I screwed up the batter, but who knows, and who cares. (I certainly don't...)
Peace out!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Lately, I have been very inspired to write a book about my whole horse life, and have decided that I shall write a book about my first horse. (If and when I get it) I just keep thinking on where I am going to keep it at. As mentioned earlier, I found a dreamy stable, but it is 35 minutes away. *Sigh* I am going to forget about it and just try to put $2000 in the bank this year.
My warm bed is calling to me, so
peace out!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Spring cleaning
- Amish auction to look at horses
- Hoosier horse fair
- Equine affair
- Rolex cross country phase
Yesterday I found another potential boarding stable. It wasn't the prettiest of all places, but was much nicer than most! It had a:
Heated wash rack
A chute to hold a horse for when the vet or farrier comes out
14x16 stalls
Indoor riding arena
Outdoor riding arena
Round pen
Each horse gets their own paddock
They provide hay, grain, and bedding
They feed, water, and clean stalls for you.
The property is very very well maintained
The stalls are cleaned several times a day
It is mare and gelding friendly (There were actually more mares than geldings from what I saw...)
They accept all ages of horses (I have seen stables that only accept a certain age range. Pretty odd.)
The stalls are matted
They have heated water buckets
But the thing is, it's by my trainers house, which means it's far. It's 30 minutes away, and I don't know if my mom is willing to drive me that far. If I went Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and some Sundays, that would be almost 5 days a week. 4 days a week would be perfectly fine to, and she already takes my to my trainers house 3-5 days a week anyways. I have ridden 5 days in a row as of yesterday, so I might get little buzz's like that sometimes. It just depends I guess... I'm just really scared that a few months after owning my horse, my mom will start saying no every time I ask her to take me to the barn, and I'll have to end up selling the horse. I do NOT want to lease my horse, and I plan on joining 4-h & pony club with it. I am certainly going to lease a horse at that barn first though, and see if I can really afford it and if my mom is really up to taking me 3-5 times a week.
I don't know why I am talking about it so much. After all, I'm not getting a horse for at least 2 more years, when I have the money & experience.
Peace out!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Ice Ice baby!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Computer & Pinterest
School is good. I had a half day today because I had to go riding, and it is presidents day. I am getting really far into school, and I should graduate by the middle or end of April. I might stretch out into May, but it all depends on if I have extra work to do. Lately, I have been running a lot. Almost always sprinting, but I really need to be working on my endurance. I want to be able to run fast, for a long distance. I am naturally an endurance runner, but if I put my mind to it I can be a sprinter to. Just depends on how I am feeling really... Today I was so excited to be able to get out and run, I just ran fast and hard, and even practiced jumping some bushes and pretending that they were hurdles. I wish I could do hurdle racing, but I don't have time for any more extra curricular activities. That's okay though! Because I am very content with my life, and I have been ever since the beginning of 2012. :)
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
I opened up a new RPG that is going to be freaking epic! Someone is crushing on my character, and I prefer that they wouldn't, but hey, I'll get it figured out. I have been crazy with the piano covers lately! Okay, fine. I admit that I only did one. But I am getting ready to crank out Someone like you by Adele and Maple Leaf Rag by Scott Joplin. Look out for new ones!
Peace out!
Friday, February 8, 2013
She's my kind of rain
I went riding yesterday, and it went pretty well. I found out that I am doing a lesson with a trainer that is a really good dressage and hunter jumper trainer. Exciting! We'll see how that goes though... I am kind of nervous to tell you the truth!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
New camera
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Boot camp time
Peace out!
Friday, January 11, 2013
I'm so lucky
I've really been thinking about how lucky I am to know fantastic people like the ones that are in my life. I mean, without them, I wouldn't be where I am now. I might not show it, but I am truly greatful for the people who I am so honored to be friends with. They are all so special to me, and I can't imagine life without them! Thank you everyone, for putting up with my annoying, crazy ways.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Animal sanctuary...
I now know what I want to do down the road, when I am really successful and have a bunch of money that I can rely on. I want to start an animal sanctuary, where anyone can drop any kind of unwanted animal, and I can try to rehome it. If it can't be rehomed, then it can stay at the sanctuary until the end of its days, or until it finds a home. It would be so awesome to go on rescue missions, and be able to rehabilitate all kinds of animals, but mostly small animals, horses, farm animals, dogs, and cats. (If I came across a zebra, I swear I would take it in a heartbeat) It would have barns, pastures with shelter, and lots of paddocks with shelter. I would also have a few employees maybe, and some adoption events. I hope that this can happen!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Warm and toasty!
NOT! I am the complete opposite of warm and toasty, thank you very much. Yesterday, I rode when it was 19 degrees. Not to bad actually, but I got wind burn from trotting so much, jumping, and cantering. Not to mention Red was a little spookier than usual, and I almost crashed into another rider when I was cantering. Thankfully, the other rider was much more experienced than I am, and she would never let anyone crash with her. I cannot put I words how much my fellow riders mean to me! :)
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Is this blog really that good?
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Alaskan viewers?
And I go back to December all the time...
It is December, as you all know. I am thinking of my loved ones that spent last Christmas laughing and having a good time, but now they will have to watch from above. I am writing down everything that I am grateful. For a chance to be part of the best thing in the world, horses. To be alive, and healthy. To have a roof over my head, food on my table, and shoes on my feet. I am also comforted that I have family that supports me through everything. I plan to spend Christmas with my family, and have a pleasant Christmas dinner. (Please note that this is a late post, and I have had it in my draft box since last month...)
On a different note, I had a good ride today. Jumped, cantered bareback, rode all over the place outside, and plus, a bunch of friends came over and rode with me! :D
I hope everyone had a good Christmas, and is having an excellent new year! I know I certainly am... Awesome riding, getting really focused in school, and I can see myself turning into a new person, the person I so longed to be for so long...
Peace, and I hope you are having a very good new year!